Where to start for first-time NPC competitors
You know you want to compete, you’re ready to dive in and dedicate yourself, but maybe you aren’t sure where to begin? Read on to learn how to get started and the important fundamentals of competing in the NPC – pro tips included!

1. Choose Your Division
Pick the division that best suits your physique.
The different divisions are Bodybuilding, Men’s Classic Physique, Men’s Physique, Women’s Physique, Figure, Fitness, Bikini and Wellness. Each requires a different level of muscularity and leanness. Look at pictures and determine which is best for you.
PRO TIP: Don’t get caught up in worrying or wondering what division you are “supposed to be in.” This is your first time onstage and you are learning, growing, and having FUN. If you aren’t sure which division to choose, here’s the way to decide: Go to www.npcnewsonline.com and look at photos of the top professionals. Which one has the look you admire most? Which sort of physique is your ideal? The answer to that question is the answer to which division you will enter.
This requires months of hard training, diet, and dedication, so do it with the direction that most excites you. Do not get caught up in trying to figure out (or listening to others) where your body belongs – it belongs where you want it.
2. Register for a Show
Know your timeline and register for a show.
Amateurs can compete in any amateur NPC show. This would be every show on the NPC Northeast schedule except for NPC UNIVERSE (a pro qualifier) and the IFBB NY PRO (a pro contest). You can find the schedule and locations of NPC Northeast shows here.
An NPC athlete of any age or experience may compete in the open class. The OPEN is the only class that qualfies you for OPEN NATIONAL CONTESTS.
In order to compete in the Novice category, you must have never placed first in your class in a novice, masters or open contest.
If you are looking to compete in a class according to age (Teen, Juniors, or Masters), you must be the minimum age of the division (ie, 35 and over) on the day of the show, or under the maximum age (ie, 23 and under) on the day of the show. Be sure to bring your ID to check-in to verify your age.
You will need to join the NPC and purchase an NPC card here before competing.
PRO TIP: The entry form might look overwhelming at first, but take a breath, read the insructions, and don’t be scared to ask for help. If you aren’t sure what to do, you can always email us at npcnortheast@gmail.com for help.
MOST IMPORTANTLY…we can fix any mistakes you make (except for cancelling your entry and refunding your money – that we won’t do). But your class and division can be changed anytime right up to the day of the contest!
This part is up to you, but the best place to start is www.npcnewsonline.com for tons of great tips on training, diet and nutrition.
You don’t have to hire a coach and we can’t help you find one (that would be a conflict of interest). If you want professional guidance, be sure to do your research and get recommendations. Speak to the coach, ask questions, and make sure you get the answers that make you comfortable. You can also do this on your own and use the resources available on the internet to help you figure this out. Especially the first time, you are going to make a lot of mistakes and that’s how you learn!
PRO TIP: GO TO A SHOW….This one seems obvious, but its often overlooked. Go out and see one of the local NPC Northeast events. See how it all works, see what happens on stage, and meet other competitors. This is a great chance to network, make friends, and connect with our people that share your same passion.
4. Rules & Poses
It’s all about presentation.
Each division has its own rules and required poses. You can find them at npcnewsonline.com at the following links:
PRO TIP: PRACTICE, PRACTICE, PRACTICE. Work on your posing and presentation every day.
5. Get on Stage
Be prepared to get on stage.
It is mandatory that all competitors check-in before their competition. Be sure to check the contest page online and see when that time is, and do not miss it. Be sure that you have the appropriate suit, trunks, or shorts to wear on stage, as well as your spray tan appointment booked to show off all of your hard work. Most importantly, have fun on competition day!
PRO TIP: Once you get to the show, the worries are over and we have your back! Our staff has helped 1000’s of competitors get on stage for the first time and we are experts in making sure your day is stress free. Just be on time, ask ANY questions, and pay attention. The show moves fast and you need to be present and attentive to the instructions so you can get the most of your time on stage.